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Why do we call our Biohazard and Crime Scene Cleanup company "EXIT"

July 7, 2020
Exit Sign — Covington, LA — Exit Biohazard & Crime Scene Cleanup
Why are we called "EXIT" We get this question a lot. What’s in a name? It sounds so simple until you make it complicated. It took me 3 months and hundreds of potential names to come up with "EXIT" because after owning another business with a long name I wanted to really think this through. I set up some rules for myself. It had to be short so no more than 5 letters. It had to begin with one of the first 5 letters in the alphabet. Since I always named my companies or ideas without rules, its always hurt them. Meaning my special effects company "Tech Works Studios" is always on the last page of any list we were on because most lists are alphabetical. Starting with a letter deep into the alphabet just costs you visibility. Also having a name that’s too long gets annoying for everyone when it comes to emails and websites as well as having to spell it out often. So I wanted something short for the name so then I could add what we do, “cleanup” to it. Now if you see our website or email you know who we are and what we do without having to deal with a complex list of letters like    which is always followed by the statement, “two S’s in the middle and one on the end , dot come. That’s how I have to say it or they get it wrong. So learning that, our new company name had to be something short and with no repeating letters.   
Now that I set up my rules, I started searching for words and ideas that fit. There wasn’t many that would work as a website. Short websites are the highest in demand so knowing I wanted my entire website name to be under 12 letters was difficult especially since I  wanted to use a keyword like “ cleanu p ” in it. I went through tons of acronyms and names but most just made things more complex to say out loud or if you saw it you probably wouldn’t remember it.  A bunch of letters in a row that have no meaning to you are hard to remember. I needed a word. “Blank”cleanup dot com was my focus for weeks. I know I sound crazy but I spent years explaining Tech Works Studios to people because it was complex. Back then, I wanted something that didn’t smell of the old effects (FX) shops that I remembered that were sometimes run by frazzeled, drug snorting , whack jobs that most productions couldn't stand but still had to use because they were what was around. At the time I wanted to be a fresh break from those and sell us as a professional serious makeup and animatronics company So our name had to stand out. And yes, that worked well for the most part until you had to say it over the phone or deal with the many wrong variations people came up with. You have to remember, it wasn't that long ago that I remember conversations with other shop owners talking about this weird thing called the world wide web and if they were going to put out an inter-web  website thing for their business.  At the time we all thought it was something that wasn't really for our industry so why bother. And who would ever buy anything online? That will never catch on, lol. So, as we did embrace the internet and website eventually I learned my lesson  on the complexity of names and I didn’t want that to happen again with my awesome, new, best it can be, Biohazard and crime scene cleanup company.
The search for that name went on for weeks. I had hundreds of names on papers all over the place and pulled a few to the top of the list only to dump them and start over. I finally came up with "EXIT" and thought it might be perfect. It was short, easy to remember and had a bit of a double meaning with it since we do deal with death cleanup , the final exit.  But the other reason that I really loved it was that I thought that every time you look up as you leave a building, you get to see our name "Exit" on signs everywhere.  Its a reminder that we are here to serve, so if you know us and you see our name glowing at the door, it means more than just a way to leave. 
We are serious about extreme cleaning from Suicide scene cleaning , crime scenes and death cleanup to hoarding property cleanup and Disinfection . When you look for a Biohazard cleanup or disinfection company, Look for Exit. We spent months just on our name, imagine what we do to focus on your needs. We make it our business. Call us if you need our help for your emergency, anytime, 24-7, we are professional , fast, thorough, affordable and compassionate. We are here to help you in your time of need. 1-800-504-9892
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By info October 17, 2023
If you have a case of CDIFF and need help call EXIT BIOHAZARD CLEANUP and have us come and disinfect your home. What is CDIFF? C.diff stands for Clostridium difficile (klos-TRID-e-oi-deez dif-uh-SEEL), which is a germ or bacterium that causes a symptomatic infection due to the spore-forming bacterium, Clostridium difficile. It causes many Symptoms which include watery diarrhea, fever, nausea, and abdominal pain. It makes up about 20% of cases of antibiotic-associated diarrhea. It most commonly affects older adults in hospitals or in long-term care facilities. Complications may include pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, perforation of the colon, and sepsis which can be life threatening. One in 11 people over age 65 diagnosed with a healthcare-associated C. diff infection die within one month. In general it causes severe diarrhea and colitis (an inflammation of the colon). It’s estimated to cause almost half a million infections in the United States each year. C. diff can affect anyone. Most cases of C. diff occur when you’ve been taking antibiotics or not long after you’ve finished taking antibiotics. There are other risk factors such as being 65 or older, a recent stay at a hospital or nursing home, a weakened immune system, such as people with HIV/AIDS, cancer, or organ transplant patients taking immunosuppressive drugs, or previous infection with C. diff or known exposure to the germs. Because 1 in 6 patients who get C. diff will get it again in the subsequent 2-8 weeks . If you have been taking antibiotics recently and have symptoms of C. diff, you should see a healthcare professional as soon as possible. Getting diarrhea is fairly common while on, or after taking, antibiotics, but in only a few cases will that diarrhea be caused by C. diff . So if your diarrhea is severe you need to talk to your doctor and do not delay getting medical care. Your doctor will review your symptoms and order a lab test of a stool (poop) sample. If the test is positive, you’ll take a specific antibiotic (e.g. vancomycin or fidaxomicin) for at least 10 days. If you were already taking an antibiotic for another infection, your healthcare professional might ask you to stop taking it if they think it’s safe to do so. Your doctor may decide to admit you to the hospital, in which case they will use certain precautions, such as wearing gowns and gloves, to prevent the spread of C. diff to themselves and to other patients because it can be very contagious . its important to use a separate bathroom if you have diarrhea, thoroughly wash hands with soap and water every time you use the bathroom and always before you eat, and take showers washing well with soap. Cleanliness is key to beating this and stopping it from spreading to others or back to you. Because C.DIFF bacteria can last for months. When the bacteria are outside the human body they can be virtually anywhere in the environment. They are in a dormant state and essentially shutdown waiting for a new host. This enables them to survive for a long time from weeks to months in any number of places and that's why its very difficult to destroy and it is also why people often have the infection reoccur. The ability of it to be dormant and survive outside the body enables the generally easy transmission of the bacterium. It can last a long time sitting on surfaces, in soil or feces, in water areas, or even in food. Once the bacteria finds their way into a person's digestive system, they "wake up" and can begin to produce infection again. That being said, its not the easiest bacteria to kill. its not like covid which is pretty weak in the environment and generally dies quickly. this has some staying power and requires special cleaning and disinfection procedures. We often kill corona virus and other germs during our disinfection fogging services to help stop the spread of covid 19 and we kill 99.99% of germs and viruses in general for most of our services including our biohazard cleaning services, but CDIFF is something special and its much harder to kill so we have to bring out the big guns to do it. We mean specialty chemicals and procedures to kill what is there and what is hiding dormant. At Exit Cleanup we just think of this as another service we provide but as you can see its not your typical disinfection. If you have Cdiff or someone in your family does and you want us there to kill it, please just call and we will prepare for germ warfare for you. We will fight this for you.
By info October 17, 2023
This is to describe the 4 levels of biohazards and the 6 types of biohazards. Biohazard cleanup is important because we could encounter a biohazard anytime anywhere. Learn more here. A biohazard could be anything from animal feces or rancid meat to blood from a crime scene or materials from a laboratory.
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Support after a Tragedy is Essential
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The Aftermath of a crime or Death can be Overwhelming and Traumatic
October 17, 2023
A suicide in New Orleans. Exit cleanup doesn't always get the job but we do all we can to help in any situation. Most of the time, your home owners insurance pays the biohazard cleanup but if the deceased lived in an apartment, it may be something that the property owner may want to pay for. Its sometimes complicated but Exit will help. This situation was difficult because the resident committed suicide and the property owner wasn't available. Long story short , we helped out the sister of the deceased a bit so she could get things sorted and did what we could.
October 17, 2023
RYOBI Fogger review is to talk about the good and bad of the Ryobi 18v fogger. We here at Exit Cleanup use fogging for our disinfection services that we provide in the Louisiana area. We disinfect and decontaminate for viruses such as the Covid Virus, Mrsa, HIV, CDIFF, Hepatitis and more. We use fogging as one of our tools to kill the germs. you can also see our review of the Ryobi 18v electrostatic sprayer.
October 17, 2023
Exit Cleanup are Louisiana's blood and biohazard experts and we can help. We are here to deal with all biohazard cleaning siuations from blood spills to virus protection. We clean up death and crime scenes as well as the aftermath of suicides and any situation involving blood and bodily fluids. We also help cleanup hoarding properties and work with hoarders to get things back to a working normal in their homes. We get asked a lot about Blood cleanup so this article gives a bit o what to do in that situation.
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