First, in general , Hoarders are people that look and act like everyone from any gender, race or nationality although they are usually older , late 40s or above. Often they may be professionals (lawyers, doctors, business owners etc) and highly intelligent people that function completely like everyone else outside. But, once they are within their property, the idea of living with lots of clutter is completely fine to them. In almost every case we (EXIT Cleanup) have dealt with there has been a significant issue or traumatic situation that triggered them to want to hold on to items in ways that most would not. Its often a death, divorce, home tragedy such as a fire or flood from a hurricane such as Katrina, where they lost significant property or worse , a loved one. Usually there is a traumatic incident that causes them to just want to hold on to things. Of course it's their right to do and live how they seem fit. But often they want help once it becomes overwhelming, embarrassing or too much to handle or due to health risks or issues they have to get help. Of course that is why we here at Exit Cleanup exist. We are here to help.
What is hoarder disorder? The People with hoarding disorder have persistent difficulty in parting with possessions or even trash items due to a perceived need to save the items. Attempting to part with these possessions can create a considerable distress for them which generally leads to them saving these items. This be be irrational to most of us, but to them it is comforting. This often leads to a growing pile of clutter and items which can consist of everything from trash to unopened items still in boxes. This over abundance of possessions disrupts the ability to use living spaces which often leads to little use of specific rooms, areas, appliances or larger parts of the home. As these possessions grow into piles and dominate areas it become increasingly harder for anyone to walk through. Often paths are made that may have materials piled many feet high all around which leads to a dangerous possibility of collapse and the hoarder being trapped or other serious safety issues such as electrical fires, mold issues, animal and insect infestations.
Many people may be hoarders and no one knows until they are found from either and emergency health issue from a 911 call or worse such as their death in the clutter. It happens often. We always look at cleaning out a hoarding property as a positive job for us when the hoarder calls us or they are in a safe place and alive. Because we also have to deal with the alternative jobs when we have to clean up a death scene in a hoarding property because they fell, had an accident, collapse and were trapped until they passed and sometimes we have to help with the body recovery because they are burred within the clutter and no one can easily find them. Those are very hard and sad days, we prefer to help make the property better for the hoarder while they are alive of course.
How many people are hoarders? Its hard to say but some studies have it at 6% of the population worldwide. Due to the level of secrecy and embarrassment, hoarders generally don't ask for help easily. Some will be forced to deal with the situation due to family members, health issues or government intervention.
Hoarding is not the same as collecting. Collectors typically acquire possessions in an organized, intentional, and targeted fashion. Once acquired, the items are removed from normal usage, but are subject to being organizing, admired, and displayed to others. Acquisition of objects in people who hoard is largely impulsive, with little active planning, and triggered by the sight of an object that could be owned. Objects acquired by people with hoarding lack a consistent theme, whereas those of collectors are narrowly focused on a particular topic. In contrast to the organization and display of possessions seen in collecting, disorganized clutter is a hallmark of hoarding disorder.
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