Call 504 722 1504 or go to our home page for more information
Our company's name is often included by law enforcement or funeral homes because they know that we are always professional and ready to help you in your time of need.
From Baton Rouge and Northshore all the way to Mississippi and of course New Orleans and all the surrounding areas. Exit Cleanup is here to help you with a Death, Suicide, Biohazard or Crime Scene Cleanup as well as, Hoarding Cleaning or Disinfection needs. See our
Home page to see what we can do for you. Or call
(504) 722-1504
We are available 24-7 to help you. Many jobs can wait but some can't so you can reach us anytime.
Biohazard Cleanup should be done by highly trained professionals with compassion, that's us.
In many cases the home owners insurance pays for our services. Let us help you get the situation under control.
From NOLA TO BATON ROUGE and all surrounding areas, Trusted and Professional Biohazard Services
Phone: (504) 722-1504 • Email: • License # 94037645
Call anytime 24hrs -7 days a week, 365 days a year, Free Estimates. Address 314 Penns Chapel Rd Mandeville LA 70471
Exit Biohazard & Crime Scene Cleanup Services